
Which one of them is getting their former morning slot? Initially it sounded like Golic was keeping it, but Greenberg said his new show is going to be on from 7a-10a Eastern.

Specifically citing Jordan and Kobe - two of the most objectionable humans in the HOF - is ridiculous. LBJ is a saint compared to those guys, on and off the court.

Jerramy Stevens might literally murder him.

American-style fightsticks are basically all custom built. There hasn’t been a retail fightstick with American-style arcade components on the market in at least 10 years.

#10 was blameless. #15 was the true screwup and the vast majority of the problem. The third one was a little at fault.

That would be a lot easier without the London games, which teams would also like a bye for.

The Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961 effectively prohibits the broadcast of any NFL game played on Friday or Saturday during the high school or college football regular season. That’s why there aren’t any Saturday games until late in the NFL season (and, relatedly, why the NFL extended the season from 14 games to 16).

Statistically the voter turnout of the deadspin staff is significantly higher than any age demographic in the 2016 election.

First off, a quarter of them sticking their hands in their pockets when Donald Trump is on the ballot is not “emphatically showing that you are wrong.”

I particularly want to know what Tim “My vote doesn’t matter because I live in safe blue Pennsylvania” Marchman and Alex “Voting is a waste of time anyway” Pareene think about the 2016 election.

You need to work on your pedantry, as Fisher was fired before the @SEA game last year. But the original math is messed up anyway, as Fisher was 5-1 at home against SEA, not 5-2.

He’s sharing the ball more but it feels more like a your-turn, my-turn situation than a truly democratic offense.

No need to insinuate. You can read it right here.

You are correct in stating that there is a subset of voters who are more dismayed by the attacks against Trump (and his supporters) than they are dismayed by... well, Trump and his supporters.

Wow, it sounds like you’re saying that a position on a bill requires nuance to evaluate, and that a bill is rarely all-bad or all-good.

So Hillary is bad for labeling blacks “super-predators,” but Bernie is AOK for voting yes on the bill Hillary’s speech was about. Got it.

He did more to energize the voting left?

Manchin votes as a Republican 90% of the time

If we’re going to talk about the history of losing, feel free to explain how the far left got what they wanted in 2000 - when the “lesser evil” Al Gore was defeated and Contradictions were Successfully Heightened - only for the country to be ran into a ditch by the GOP, Democrats to get control over the House, a

Tell me more about what would happen if leftists stopped being petty, vindictive, backbiting assholes and united to defeat Republicans.