Slow pokemon suck. Blastioise is slow.
Slow pokemon suck. Blastioise is slow.
The problem with using Pokevision is that it just makes you hate Santa Monica for how stupidly diverse that one little segment of map is. Meanwhile in St. Louis I’m trying to crowdsource my friends to help find nests of every different Pokemon.
I tried using the Silk Road but all I kept finding was heroin.
ha! snorlax? lapras? yeah thats going to level you up real fast. those brutes pale in comparison to my 100 pidgeys. pokemon go isnt about catching them all, its about catching pidgeys. all of the pidgeys. level up, catch more pidgeys. screw gyms, catch more pidgeys. out of pokeballs? good, that means youve caught a…
We all know the best Pokémon is whatever your favorite is. It also doesn’t reside in a Pokéball, because it lives in your heart.