
The weirdest thing is a know a guy who dresses very much like that. All those things are part of the standard hipster wardrobe, albeit somewhat eccentrically deployed in Chick's case.

Yeah, my sister went on a date with a guy who talked very fondly about his mother throughout their whole dinner. There was no second date, even though he sent her a very expensive and thoughtful (it was based on something they'd talked about) gift afterwards. Gushing about mom is just a dealbreaker.

Yes. I think his smugness and new swagger reflect that for sure.

I also thought he'd picked the fight himself. I don't think the guy who beat him up gave any indication he knew he was a cop.

She's not even a ghost, is she? She's all in his mind. So who knows what the rules about smoking might be.

I noticed that, according to the tombstone, he's around 20. I'd lost track of how old he should be so that was a nice "reality" check.

Oh hi again from the future! I agree with everyone that this was a great episode. I think where I differ from most is that I am not as enamored with Dylan Baker's character as others seem to be. I thought his crying with the French agent was really bad acting, until I realized it was a "performance within a

Bloodline was so great, wasn't it? The cast was phenomenal and the setting just sucked me in. I feel like the only problem with subsequent seasons is we'll be less likely to see Ben Mendelsohn, who I thought was riveting. I haven't caught any Bloodline people in Damages yet, I'll have to keep a better eye out.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I am further along and am settling in to the new rhythm and enjoying it. Great performances, as always.

Chiming in from the future to say I'm glad someone else within the past 5 years was watching this. :)

Yeah, that was my take on it, too. A little back and forth one-upmanship along with some actual passion…but she really, uncharacteristically, dropped the ball when she gave up Alec's name.

To me that didn't feel true to what we know about her so far. Especially since she didn't seem keen on him running for sheriff in the first place. I would have expected her to grab the kids and flee in horror rather than become part of the cover up. Apparently the life they have built is too important to her.

Ooh, that's brilliant. I was wondering what she could say to backpedal her way out of this huge mistake.

Yeah, I agree that their scenes drag a bit but their presence is essential to the escalating drama. They're a necessary evil, I guess.

Funny, I was just thinking they should have just made her character Australian, too, since I don't see why her being American is essential to the show. She did say one string of words in her natural accent and I felt distracted this episode. But that might be because for some reason I'm hyperaware of that stuff

I also agree. One of the things I love about this show is how "real" the performances feel. Even John L. seems more natural than he did at first. But this scene just screamed "acting" from Chandler to me.

Agreed. His performance feels most like a "performance" out of all the cast. I don't know if I'd call it lazy, but I'd definitely call it forced. Hopefully he'll settle into it.

Agree about the Nolan actor doing a great job. The way was busily doing something (can't remember what exactly right now) with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth was pure Mendelssohn.

Yes, you covered everything I enjoyed about the episode. I'd add that the only thing I didn't like was Belle's overbearing demeanor towards Kevin. And I agree that Danny's hair looks really different from last season.

Agreed, I found myself really sucked into the premiere, it set up so much and with so much tension. It didn't feel slow at all to me. I think they did a great job of conveying how incredibly difficult it is to get away with murder.