Hot Take

the donor class on the democratic side would rather have trump over sanders or warren. he gives them everything they want, even if they have to hold their nose while he does it. so biden is going to be your nominee no matter how many times they have to count the delegates. 


God, this comment makes me nauseous for its unabashed truth.

Go to a boozy brunch in midtown. Find the woman who has said these two things

Must be nice to have time to run 6 miles a day.

This is just wrong. I met many of my liberal American friends at Equinox gyms. They are good people who value President Obama’s legacy.  It’s true that you will find the occasional Trumpster at Equinox, but you are far more apt to meet smart fun-loving liberals who are up for cocktails after a killer workout.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 KM run is all you need. Every day.

I don’t know how it is where you live, but the Equinox my BF goes to is all other gay guys and Google employees. Not exactly Trump's base.

the ~1500 professional-class liberals who were really excited to vote for Hillary Clinton

The family from Get Out, basically. 

Any corporate chain anything is silly and doesn’t need your business.   

Gwyneth Paltrow

Or - OR - don’t exercise.

They project their shit all over the place. When 45 was talking about Mexicans he was projecting his own indiscretions.

That hair is off the charts.

Might have something to do with who published it in the first place!

He’s stupid for not taking the time to sit and understand the chart, for sure. However, that is not a great chart to start with; it takes more time to parse than it should.

Wow. Did not know that. Makes more sense now.

He’s not even a tech bro, he’s a sports bro! Before he was the politics numbers guy, he was the baseball numbers guy. Until it got transferred to ABC News last year, FiveThirtyEight was literally owned by ESPN! ESPN!!!

Nate Silver does have the skills to do politicial analysis, which is precisely the issue. He chooses not to use them.