Yeah, again, I get that. Why don't they run moderates that don't have a fuck ton of dumb baggage? Why not a 50 year old moderate?
Yeah, again, I get that. Why don't they run moderates that don't have a fuck ton of dumb baggage? Why not a 50 year old moderate?
Democrats will use leftist rhetoric to get votes then sabotage anything that might be left leaning. They’d rather lose to a right winger than push left leaning policies.
Yeah dude, the best way to beat a rapist is to nominate a less-bad rapist.
Democrats can do a little sexual assault, as a treat.
Remember how much of the left/center-left treated Monica Lewinsky in the late 90's? And how everyone rallied to defend the creep who was absolutely in the wrong just because he was also the victim of right-wing smears?
A lot of Jezebels are being outed as being not nearly as supportive of women as they’ve been going on and on about. It’s amazing how quickly and vociferously these Jezebel feminists become anti-women when it’s “their guy”. We all knew that’s the way it was with many on Jezebel, but this scenario made the reality very…
Which would be easier to discuss if so many of them weren’t deleting their old Kavanaugh tweets en masse...
Liberals are throwing the “why now” attack at Tara. Which is the EXACT thing slung at Dr. Ford.
It took a lot of guts for her to come forward after the way Dr. Blasey Ford was treated and continues to get threats on her life.
Seen a lot of people ignoring this. Kudos for writing about it. Tara deserves to be heard.
Yall got some weird political leanings here.
lol—this is such bullshit 🙄
‘Your whole comment is making a ton of presumptions about the life experiences of black voters from the poorest parts of the country’
Wow, so are we now gonna do to Dr West what we’ve done to Nina Turner? And it’s all being done to promote and justify Joe Biden on the sly? Come on folks!
Ah ok so it’s not because of what I quoted, that’s a different story.
‘She is doing so because the Democratic Socialist isn’t doing enough to prove he cares about her as much as he does the white working-class man in Iowa’
1) Sanders does not self identify as a socialist.
2) Sanders’ base certainly did show up in the primaries, which why he won Iowa New Hampshire and Nevada.
In South Carolina, Obama directly intervened to get the Clyburn endorsement. And then Obama intervened to get Klobuchar, Buttigieg to dropout and to get Beto to…
If he doesn’t he sure as fuck does a good job at impersonating one.
No a vote for Biden (in the primary) is as good as a vote for Trump because Biden has dementia and can’t finish a sentence and will in all likelihood get destroyed.