Good. This is what unions do. By allowing his staff to unionize, he was inviting this. I’m sure he knew it.
Good. This is what unions do. By allowing his staff to unionize, he was inviting this. I’m sure he knew it.
Well, at least the campaign workers have a way to address their grievances.
One of the good things about unions is that they can fight for people. Those Field Organizers get shat upon regularly. They deserve the bump. And hopefully Bernie hears about this and makes the right thing happen. Having motivated field organizers is better than having an ad-buy. Lets hope Bernie hasn’t picked up a…
if they’re smart they’ll spin this as “Sanders leads yet again, this time on democracy in the workplace” and put some distance between their staff’s compensation package and those of the other campaigns.
Like has he not read or watched any news in the last 15 years....
Communists are only part of the far left. I am not going to apologize for having secure shelter. I allow people I trust to stay with me too, and never have to ask anything from them.
Lol you are owned by the bank you rent from. Good luck in the coming economy. And not only that, they bank would have never lent to you without government assistance.
Republicans have done nothing but project their own dark desires in every absurd accusation for decades.
And if we question this leadership we are just accused of dividing the party.
French people do love to riot. It is one of their better traits.
“every joke, every pithy reference, every pretend gesture toward the moral standards of liberal democracy has the same punch line: We are going to kill you. There is nothing more profound to unearth from their ideas, or from them.”
Own a mortgage or actual property?
Well on the political stage it is different. Shut him down coldly and make McTurtle negotiate with him.
It’s adorable you think the racists will ignore you.
Because they are too stupid to remove their hat inside, like an adult.
“They say they are defending free speech, or due process, or democracy—but their only purpose is to empty these concepts of meaning, to make them as contemptible to their ideological opponents as they are to them.”
You hear that republican party, change course because you are embarrassing the daughter of a McCain.
Very underrated movie.