Hot Take

Let the Democrat party be the party of facts.

If it’s not Sanders will you be like Trump supporters and claim it was “rigged” without actual empirical evidence?

The “establishment” is not going to pick the nominee;

Also I am not sure if you are disagreeing with me on what the rules are, or whether the establishment would be willing to use the rules to get what they want.

Someone with 49% of the vote is not going to be coup’ed by someone with 35% of the vote. As you well know.


Speaking of stalking...quit liking your own posts! lmao

If you do a better job of stalking me, you will learn they were in fact not stripped of their powers.

Yeah seems real dumb. What if the arrestee yanks the cop off their horse and they hit their head? No way this is “best practice”.


I think the anti-establishment Dems made a mistake for settling on this half measure, but I guess we’ll see.

I can see him getting 25%, then comboing his delegates with people who have 10%, like Harris or Mayor Pete. Then stepping down and kinging one of them.

I don’t think the DNC is that worried about losing again.

Warren’s not gonna get more votes. Her base is too white and upper class as of today.

Not that she can’t win black and brown people. She could peel from Biden. I just think she doesn’t have enough time to get there. Ironically Bernie’s same problem in 2016.

The establishment isn’t as committed to Biden as people think. Otherwise they wouldn’t allow Mayor Pete, Kamala, Cory ect.

Actually, even if nobody else gets 35%, candidates can still pass their delegates to each other.

I thought the super-delegate thing was ended, or at least scaled way, way back. What’s the actual deal with it?

Then they’ll settle on Warren. But they won’t give it to you know who, even if that person has a plurality.

They want to cause a contested convention so supers can stop you know who.

Abolish and prosecute ICE