Hot Take

I’m asking for first hand accounts here. That one was all I found.

Texas rn:

The Surrendercrats

This is a good point. Bernie is too moderate.

This woman should be speaker. She has experience, seems uncorrupted and genuinely caring for the people.

I’m more concerned that the DNC bothered with her by allowing her on the debate stage.

I can’t wait for Coop here to be as critical over Biden’s past.

and there’s plenty of other testimonials from other people who were there who say she is a dangerous grifter. gr8 cherry-picking. 

She sounds like any number of women I know who are lovely, good-hearted, community oriented hippie weirdos, who also shouldn’t be president.


A response from someone who was there during her work with AIDS patients:

Funny thing is that for 16 years, until very recently in 2016, she was a darling of the same establishment that is attacking her now. An attractive young army vet Hindu woman of color? Yes please!

Hey paul:

She was elected as a Democrat at the age of 21. Then the youngest female state legislator in US history.

Not “this time”. She had a primary challenge last time too and trounced them 9 to 1. Turns out Native Hawaiians love an anti-imperialist.

Kamala is not hard to figure out. She was relatively conservative. Then she saw Hillary go down in flames in 2016 and realized she needed to reinvent herself.

Don’t you dare talk about my orb queen

Maybe Inslee too. We need more climate change talk.

I’m donating to Gabbard and Williamson just to spite you.