it goes to show just how bad things have gotten that sending in Paul is vastly preferable to letting John Bolton continue to run the show.
it goes to show just how bad things have gotten that sending in Paul is vastly preferable to letting John Bolton continue to run the show.
Ever heard of the NIC? Non-profit Industrial Complex
ACA was previously known as Romneycare. It was created by the Heritage Foundation, which is a Republican think tank. Obama was a Reagan Republican at best. He was even further right on some issues.
It sucked under Obama, and it’s sucking under Trump
Allow me to illustrate:
Time to impeach
It would take more than 4 years just toss out all the corporate dems.
We know the costs of single payer in other countries is far less. That is the one advantage of being a failed backwater state. We have examples to look at:
Obama ran 3 things: Public option. Ending the Wars. Jailing bankers
And that prevented him from going after Leiberman how?
M4A cost is unknown
Axxios CEO:
In the bill then jettisoned because they needed Joe Lieberman’s vote to hit 60 and get the ACA through the Senate.
NYT sucks do not read NYT that is all.
Consider alternatives to shipping through Amazon. Order direct from retailers. Go to local stores. I’ve been doing this.
Where was this public option after he and his running mate ran AND WON on it in 2008?
You might be a white liberal
M4A if it means taking away peoples private insurance will lead to him losing at least three of those states.