Hot Take

Genocide has been normalized

Japan distancing itself from U.S. claims of Iranian involvement in tanker attacks

I thought you were done!

I don’t think anyone in the Dem field has a great shot at beating Trump for differing reasons.

Nancy take notes “leader

The larger, larger point was that the rich can see this too. That’s why those numbers in that chart look as they are. If you disagree then why do you think it is?

Hey shitlibs at Time. You still think “Wikileaks is scarier than the NSA”?

So...again...I need to point out that there are much more people who make less than $50k than over $100k. So no, Bernie is not the one who is “hated”(disappointed was the word in the poll) the most. That’s Biden.

My point is Warren doesn’t have guts and so she is just not cut out for this. It doesn’t matter how good your ideas are if you are too scared to act on them.

Rand Paul?

The drone was $200 million dollars. That’s a high crime in capitalist America.

Weapons manufacturers and oil companies fund corporate news.

Smash the 2 party system.

That’s because the US is tormenting shoeless olive farmers and calling that ‘war’. Not fighting equally industrialized nations.

Thank you Hamilton

And as I already replied to the commentor, they are wrong. Biden is the least liked among families making under $50K, per the exact same poll. A lot more people make less than $50k than more than $100k so I would say that is a plus for winning the general, if that is your concern.

I thought we were talking about the primary...

This is incredibly disappointing but not at all shocking. Thank you Steny and the DCCC for playing right into the both sides narrative.

Obama ran on 3 things. Public Option, jailing Wall street and ending the wars.

I don’t support Bernie because he is a reformist and if anyone gets elected to this broken office it should be revolutionary.