Hot Take

The story, relayed by the colleague and confirmed by Ocasio-Cortez, is that the now-representative stormed out and quit both jobs on the spot. She returned only after much “pleading” from management, and when it was promised no similar “contests” would be run at Coffee Shop again.

Boy if there ever was a politician who proposed to stop the rich from buying housing they don’t live in they would be assassinated quick.

I miss body on frame vehicles

I don’t think he was directing that at the actual workers

Are you saying to burn it all down?


Member that time Amy and John armed neo-Nazis together?

I could never troll this well

What’s a few bodies in the name of freedom ey Chait?

The white woman avatar is perfect.

Make Facebook book decentralized and publicly owned

You know Nancy doesn’t need to be your speaker, Democrats.

There’s plenty of primary left for this goon to shit on extremely popular policies and show his whole ass.

Maybe the aliens will wipe us out.

Oh god he’s going to be nominee this is the worst timeline.

Healthcare is a human right

That month, all 12 Democratic state senators voted against seating Whitley, leaving Republicans without the two-thirds majority vote needed to confirm him.

If you look at the ones who haven’t I bet you will find a big market for charter schools.