
And the grays go crazy as I laugh

Take out the probably and I fit the description. For all the white people that are about to post in the greys, first, fuck you, secondly, it’s akin to when you excuse law enforcement for killing a black person, and thirdly, fuck you again.

Might want to consider strengthening your abs and working on the flexibility of your hamstrings as well. Tight hamstrings lead to bending your back vs bending at the waist while  keeping your back flat. Ask me how I know.

By his lashes and his short hairs

And Dr. Pepper tastes like medicine, doesnt change the fact that we will still be serving it.

Coke vs Pepsi? RC Cola vs Dr. Pepper, so now I have to look at you with suspicion.

Hilarious, and true

My uncle was a cheap bastard (and just a bastard) all his life. He died nearly 30 years ago. His widow is on her 3rd husband and they trade in their Mercedes like clockwork and travel first class on assets he left to her.

Who dis Harpo?

I can only imagine.

Upvoted for the Arabic saying

Like escaping a riptide

This is my bike, in my best Deebo voice.

department for my ciru as well. One heart attack after another as the suburban mom passes me. Why the fuck are people buying all white explorers?

Don’t read the greys

And this is why I’m ok living in the burbs. Outside of the home invasions of Asian “small business” owners, life is peaceful.

The song is weak af. Millennials and their poor taste in music is all I can say.

We need your Bernie hatred in the Hangout.