
You have to really hate yourself or have thick skin to submit a question to Ask Agatha.

You should know by now there are no allies in the VSB comment section.


He’s wrong, but I’m not arguing with him during this first month on the Root vertical.

I didn’t realize you were in Los Angeles

Sounds dangerous and not in a good way.


Damon, guessing that you are about 15,000 words into your 20,000 word article you are going to drop about Kyrie?

Shakes head

Sound advice, though I’m sure you are going off of what your friends told you.

Well look who’s back. Just for you, I will comment. Now let me read what you wrote.

Hilarious. Thanks for the morning chuckle.

A transplant from VSB.

Now I’m sad that I didn’t get an invite.

She opens a new one periodically. You have to go to Val’s Hangout to get to it it. Hit me on disqus for the link if you don’t have it.

Good morning

Sorry man. That’s rough.

I’m sorry this is a part of your life.

Waves to King. You are always welcome at the hangout in case you didn’t know. You are the only one that didn’t shift over. Come on back, but don’t bring the weird vegetarian food.

The Hangout?