
after having a lengthy stupid discussion with some MRA/redpill guys on reddit today I must admit that I am loving the comment section for this article.

"For example, if the MRA movement dealt with breaking down this social
norm of what's expected to be a man (man up, grow a pair of nuts, etc.),
I'd think it was cool."

while I wouldn't say it was "misogynistic", it certainly was kind of stupid.

"Well, it only took until the penultimate episode […]"

at least in theory, we could easily have both: I would love it for some AoS episodes to focus almost solely on one or two characters from the group.

"It's just his persona to be honest."

I don't know you but I guess the chances that you are usually a womanizer in the same way Don Draper is are really small (because let's face it: who in reality is?).

how about not feeding that girl's flirty behavior?

don't worry, I'm sure you weren't the only one doing a google search for her after the show ended (I did, too).

same here. I almost had to look away because I was horribly afraid they would really go through with it in some way.

"It kinda works for the (creepy) character"

I would like a source for that claim (can't find anything via google).

teenage me would have so longed for a chance to explore her. :(

I had a big crush on DJ when I was a teen. so I guess you watching it because you thought she was cute wouldn't seem unlikely.

I guess just like with Gill/Blizzard, they will use his character later in the series (I doubt that they would have shown Garrett presenting the Gravitonium to Quinn if they never wanted the Graviton to show up).

yes, it is.

seems like a weird example because De La Soul haven't been "relevant" outside out of some small circles for dozens of years as well.

hell yeah. I loved the drill sound.

legit lol @ the Bart plot

wouldn't cd-rs work just as good?