
only if that rationale is just about the music itself. but if the whole artwork, way of playing (as mentioned here by others, many "take their time" listening to records because they are less "convenient") are big factors, the albums being mastered digitally doesn't change them.

it won't completely "go away" though. because in some niches (dance music, certain kind of hiphop, punk/indie) vinyl has always been a thing, even before this "comeback".

so would that mean that it sometimes makes more sense to buy the used old copy instead of a new one?

in a weird way your dad was right. yes, cds and dvds were successful before but they got even a whole lot bigger once you could copy them.

"the trick is collecting things people didn't think to save."

I think it's kind of sad because toys are meant to be played with. in a way it would be similar to music that has been released but no one has ever listened to it (though I wouldn't think the unopened vinyl usually qualifies as that because the actual content is available elsewhere. so one could easily listen to an

although one can easily argue that those two things really don't have that much to do with each other (it's not like that supposed "girl" was shown as being a rapist BECAUSE of having a penis).

I LOVE the fact that he is one of those guys who seems to think of acting as an art instead of something you just kind of stumble into.

isn't it quite possible that Trey and Matt are more informed and less ignorant about a topic like transgenderism than they were almost ten years ago? (I mean, for sure a lot of other people are)

exactly. see also: the whole "nigger"-episode.

isn't he credited with saying something like this?:

at that point in time porn movies were shown at the Cannes Film Festival - unthinkable today.

at this point, I am not anymore. I think the show's producers know what kind of horrible idea that would be.

"Hey, isn’t it weird how directly they all match up?"

only as long as those women are not gay and therefore don't mind a man joining on.

the thing that seperates "50 first dates" and "the wedding singer" from many other of those movies is the amazing chemistry between Sandler and Barrymore.