
Kinda like those notorious playboys Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg??? Listen, I'm not trying to insinuate MacFarlane did anything wrong, but to assume that every man who reached great financial success suddenly loses all control of their libido is just plain false.

Yeah, I guess it was a bit of a cheap shot at Seth. I meant it more as "I definitely get the vibe he's a bit of an opportunistic ladies man". Kinda like, "ooh, now that I'm a billionaire because of Family Guy, which hot actresses can I get to screw me?" Also, while he might be handsome, he also looks a bit creepy as

I had no idea who Dan Schneider was, but now that I checked him out I can say without a doubt that I certainly hope you are wrong. Mostly because that would likely constitute child pornography, but also because I would not at all be surprised if a man with this face ended up involved in said scandal.

"Did she pee on you?!?!"

I'm sorry, but how is the byline to this Newswire not "Amanda Bynes got so messed up on drugs she once dated Seth MacFarlane?" Also, "those drugs were so good she still to this day thinks he's hot." Especially fascinating, he was compared to 2 legitimately good looking guys that Bynes may or may not have hooked up

It is definitely future material for My Year of Flops.

Is it bad that I saw this and immediately hoped for a reboot of Chozen?

I am thinking something is up by the lack of blood. Especially considering the Russian's story about bloody Siberia. Seriously, she should have looked like death and instead it looked like she twisted her ankle or something. Not sure if we are headed back into the supernatural, but what if her reappearance is some

Who are the 5 greatest PaRappa the Rappa's of all-time??? Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan

It's also the original method used by Broderick to save the world in War Games before they settled on challenging the computer to lame-ass tic tac toe.

Erik Bockman…is your refrigerator running?…This is Mike Hunt…

I love Titus!

He could have not shared and left us all High and Dry.