While the original, pure “Good Eats” are time-capsule great, the “refreshed” version of “Good Eats” with AB jumping in every few minutes are like your nerdy uncle constantly jumping up in the middle of a home video from 2004 to explain how everyone at the wedding came down with toe fungus.
“Whilst we can’t prove a causal link in this study, our research indicates coffee isn’t as bad for the arteries as previous studies would suggest,” Queen Mary University’s Kenneth Fung tells The Guardian.
It was more of a metaphorical boom.
The Trop has all the charm of a DMV office on a Monday morning, but the attendance would be even lower without the Betty Crocker Jell-O Mold dome.
Paul Goldberger is the GOAT of architecture journalism, full of detail wrapped in subtlety and context. Well-played.
Once did a Frankensmore with Ritz crackers, with 9 crackers stacked and stuffed with chocolate and marshmallow. The satisfaction of the crumbly, salty, buttery Ritz experience matched with the chocolatey, melty marshmallow made me make boom in my trousers.
And like golf events, a clot of assholes could scream, “GET INTO INFINITY!” during every swing.
Are you ready to have your nuts rocked?
Arianna Enferma.
Never thought I’d see it or type it:
Know who loves them a Costco online?
Will it not Root?
How is this not cross-posted on The Root?
“Would you like a bottle of water?” = I’ve been doing lawn work/I’m pretending to be generous/I’m hitting on someone with what I think is an expensive brand.
From the land of the former Tampa Bay Devil Rays, please, I beg you, hold my beer.
Welcome to Pangea.
Just in time for the anniversary of his suicide.
The older I get, the more I understand why people past a certain advanced age are pretty okay about leaving the realm of the living.
Pretty much everything I know about being selflessly, unconsciously, unembarassingly silly came from Tim Conway. The joke was the thing.