You can take further solace in the fact that they’re all bark and no bite and if they so much as assaulted some one they’d end up blubbering like babies in their mugshot like that loser that harassed a family at the beach.
You can take further solace in the fact that they’re all bark and no bite and if they so much as assaulted some one they’d end up blubbering like babies in their mugshot like that loser that harassed a family at the beach.
The real offense was he was racist and liberal on Fox News. If he was racist and conservative, on the other hand, that would have been just fine.
That seating arrangement above couldn’t be more blatant.
Not to worry. There’s no shortage of insufferable gasbags that will jump at the chance to replace him.
And that’s not a recent development either, I flew Finnair back in the late 80s and it was significantly better than the domestic airlines at the time.
Right?!! Holy fuck—Cathay Pacific!! I was totally confused by how nice they were to me!!!
After using domestic airlines all my life, I felt like royalty the first time I flew internationally on an Asian airline. I had no idea flying could be such a pleasant experience before that.
I’ve done my share of domestic and international flights—both economy and business—on mostly American and Asian airlines. Domestic airlines in the U.S. have absolutely the worst customer service across the board. Continental and Delta are probably the best among the four (plus United and American), but that’s not…
Good Lord.
they also served their time. he isn’t pardoning people who are currently in jail. they should be able to come home just like anyone else who pays their debt to society.
Agreed, military service should be an automatic ticket to citizenship. They served our country and put their lives at risk for it, so they deserve citizenship!
They weren’t undocumented. They had fucking green cards, you nitwit, and should have been naturalized as part of their service.
No shit, ya goddam goosestepping orange racist. And the fact that the ICE goons had no problem turning into such nazi goons so quickly is even more sickening.
Let me make my point clearer: Would you prefer if I called you a sympathizer or a collaborator? ‘Cause this is Nazi-level bullshit and you’re being a pedant.
It keeps the unspoken promise to protect white American children from dirty foreigners.
Yup, as long as they have some positive-looking stats to throw up, they’re happy.
And remember, every dollar and man hour spent deporting a mother of 4 with no criminal history or someone who called the police for help is a dollar and man hour not spent on one of the “bad hombres.”
Remember, kiddies, it’s only about the appearance of getting shit done.
No need to be sorry. When Cheetolini said they were going to deport the “bad hombres”, she chose to believe him - rather than accepting that he lies a majority of the time he speaks and is not to be trusted. She made her bed with CBP sheets, let her lie in it.