
Kinda makes the whole "zOMG Toyota's trying to kill us all" recall seem not so bad huh?

" shutting down when the device is fully charger."

This whole thing is like that drunk homeless guy on the corner, you really feel bad for him, but after you've given him a couple of bucks and he still is spiraling outta control...what can ya do?

I've seen this somewhere before...

Southwest "Bags fly free...light poles, not so much."

I though so too, hahahaha "zOMG BOOBIES!!!!"

I think Ford's is cooler, it's just F

I know exactly where that is, I've driven past it a few times and I always thought it was a Nuclear plant, but couldn't fathom how on earth it could just be there without insane amounts of security and robot killer drones patrolling 24/7.

While you can fault them for building a nuclear plant on a notoriously unstable part of the world AND putting it so close to shore, you certainly cannot blame them for trying to contain the disaster. Here's to hoping that Japan, and the rest of the world for that matter, learn from this tragedy...

WTF you mean the public isn't allowed to read it???? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard....so they may pass this secret bill, well how the hell is anyone supposed to know if and when they broke the secret law if they don't know what it's even about.

I feel a new meme is about to be created...

Agreed. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If those reactors had blown up we would have been dealing with an airborne contamination with an open and exposed nuclear core...just like Chernobyl.

we don't have to test nukes to get those shots...we could just send the cameras to North Korea or Iran.

that would be the most awesomest sickest bounce house evarrrr!!

get outta' here...well then, there goes my joke.

Telepathy, pretty much the only thing governments can't control....yet.

Men's version of the Pajama Jeans????

"The drones will win, just as soon as we can afford them."

I suddenly detect something odd smelling from your original post...is that a hint of sarcasm that has excited my olfactory senses??

Why is growth in the Middle East automatically associated with terrorism? Why can't growth in Northern Ireland have the same connotation? Just because a couple of camel jockeys (as many people would like to call them, this obviously being a less offensive term to use than others) seem to be progressive doesn't mean