
damn it, where's my tin foil hat...

This thing would be a shitty ass grenade design if it can "simply walk back to you."

fuck the law suit, I know exactly how he can get his $57 million...

"I hope he wins for real this time."

I got trigger happy with the commenting, I need to "slow my roll" before clicking the submit button

So Newt believes in imaginary weapons, but refuses to believe in "imaginary" people...iiiiiinnterssting.

can we gets moar pix pleeeeaze? I wanna sees the insides of the box

"make sure you take a good look at the hardware before you stick your thing in the slot."

Hey at least when this thing exploded CNN and Fox News weren't talking about the fall out of "firey turbine blades of death" raining down on us, oh yeah and it didn't taint any meat products either...

the link should take them to their twitter...

"looks like they found the Higgs Boson Mr. Bigglesworth"

follow live updates via VT school paper on twitter

I was thinking the SAME thing!! I wonder if the new mothership will also have an elite squad living in one of those houses across the street...

Now playing

Anyone else seen these??? So pretty much Google did the opposite...."sir, NFC is awesome, but Verizon don't want it....otay boys, axe the badassnessness"

so does this mean that HP, Dell, Gateway, etc are going to take old computers, slap some 3D in them...then turn around and sell them back to us for twice as much as they cost???

hurry! go back and check again...how big is it now???

In the beginning of the article you say it's TWENTY times larger than the sun, then a few lines down you say its TWENTY FIVE times larger than the sun...I want to know how big my Burger Star is, I'm tired of being duped by sexy looking commercials, only to find a glob of blekh the size of a Altoids can as I sit in the

Tmo HTC Sensation 4G appears to be clean according to this program, just downloaded and verified

Well that certainly didn't take long...

Man this is like the BP oil spill all over again...too much finger pointing and a "nuh uh, he did it" attitude. Transocean/Halliburton/BP/US Dept of Energy, no one ever wants to accept responsibility.