an agreeable sense of the macabre

I believe this is it. They are coming for us, and this is how they are going to do it.

I should say, though, that I think the comparisons with Nixon are valid and real. He may have had success in foreign policy, but he created a nightmare at home, and went to war against his own people. This seems the same to me, and the Trump war against us is just getting rolling.

I think it’s every state. It’s part of being a convicted felon.

I was just looking at an article in the Washington Post which points out that his approval rating among republicans is 84%. He doesn’t have to worry about anything as long as republicans continue to think he’s doing a great job. The question, of course, is if he’s able to realize that.

I am terrified. Look at what Sessions did just today. What does it mean? Does it mean they’re going to jail everyone who ever bought a legal bud in legalized states? That would be a great way to start locking up the opposition. I do think the situation we’re in now is as bad or worse than it was then, I’m just saying

Or didn’t vote. Or engaged in any other “protest” votes.

That’s how it looks from here. But at the time, if you’ll recall, thousands of young people came home in boxes from a pointless and unpopular war. Thousands of others were permanently disabled. Thousands of people were in the street protesting the war, rampant social injustice, and the government of our country. They


Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re romanticizing what it was like then because of what it’s like now.

You know, you are absolutely right about that. Once everyone started talking about “President Bannon” all of a sudden Bannon was out. It worked before, there’s no reason it can’t work again. He’s getting more tired and miserable every day (just like the rest of us), it should be even easier to flush him out on this

And his epic ignorance. I think it’s important to put that in there. It explains pretty much everything, between the two.

I must digress and speak up for pigs here. Pigs hate that.

HOW could he believe that? I don’t understand how he could believe that. Is he living on another planet than I am? How is this possible?

That’s up to Congress, isn’t it? (sobs)

It’s late and I’m so, so tired, but didn’t the FBI sit on any mention of the Russia election tampering issue for weeks, or even months? Until after the election? I swear I remember reading that. If so, it’s hard for me to take Comey’s integrity all that seriously.

I was just thinking that as I was walking the dogs this morning. What we have here is exactly what you said, “the ultimate distillation of the conservative male power fantasy, given form”. I still have a hard time realizing that we have, in essence, gone whooshing back not to the 1950s but to sometime in the 1200s.

Yes, I saw a general on CNN last night (sadly don’t remember his name) talking about how thin the veneer of civilization is. He mentioned Sarajevo during the war. He wasn’t engaging in hyperbole, he was pointing out how extremely dangerous our current situation is. When Trump was elected I spent a lot of time

Yes, something thats cold and slimy to the touch. Totally agree. Ew.

If I think too much about where we’re going or what’s going to happen in the next six months, I have a panic attack. Which doesn’t help anything, you know, it just makes me even more frightened. Going outside helps with that.

I was watching CNN in the breakroom at work this evening, and was treated to a General of some fairly recent vintage talking about how thin the veneer of civilization actually is. He mentioned walking through Sarajevo during the depths of the war there. He was not joking or engaging in hyperbole.