Sam Hanley

Fair enough, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

That's really interesting, the way that you phrase that: "facebook DEFINITELY helped me out". It's like there's a second form of the noun Facebook that refers not to the company Facebook, but more just the phenomena of it. Before attributing your friend's generosity to her, your first instinct was to credit the social

I was getting it for a bit this morning — every text I sent was from a seemingly randomized number in a totally different area code. That said, it's back to normal functionality now.

From what I understand it was largely for their patent portfolio. Something like 17,000 patents that could be in one way or another useful to google.

You've got to consider the fact that the nexus program isn't just about making good android phones — it's also in a broader sense about getting their manufacturer partners to make good android phones. LG is a company that probably wouldn't otherwise consider making a high end device running stock android, which could

It's sort of cute that Microsoft thinks that the windows store is important enough that suddenly developers were going to stop "having peace of mind" about developing games like "Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Assassin's Creed, and the Mass Effect series". It's just another store.

If LivingSocial lost $169 million in the last three months, that's a faster rate of loss than $558 million over a year.

This. Yelp is a really shifty company. I work in a restaurant and my manager could talk for HOURS about the reasons he hates yelp.

That raises an interesting question as to whether anyone should even care about the answer to your question. Is the function of social media to generate likes and posts, or to serve the users in whatever way they want? Is a social network with less "liking" inherently worse?

Yeah, I agree with you on people saying it's unsafe, but I feel like "illegal" and "plain dumb" are pretty good arguments for this being a pointless piece.

Yeah, they still totally do that. The restaurant I work at has a pretty mediocre average rating but our "filtered reviews" are almost all four and five star.

"the most laziest"? Ugh.

Weird. I go to a state university as well and have scholarships covering all tuition and fees. I've never heard of low tuition and high fees to avoid paying out scholarships.

See, what you're not explaining though is who IS going to pay the server if your tip doesn't. If you want servers to be paid a living wage, you had better be prepared to pay a noticeable amount more for restaurant food than you already are — you aren't buying the raw ingredients, you're buying them and paying for the

Yeah, I dunno where you were going to school but I've NEVER heard of that. Why would schools not want you to be able to pay with scholarships? Money is money.

It's a container in which to start the plants from seed. Did you even read the article?

I'll agree that usually phone accessories are where the huge markups are, not where they carriers are subsidizing things — but I could something where, say, the carriers set up a book purchasing/renting service that these tie into or something.

Forcing myself to take it seriously though for a second — I don't know if this would be possible or not, but it would be neat to have a version of that where the hand positions you made to type were sign language. It would be like voice typing for the deaf.

That's the most hilariously awkward looking thing I've ever seen. I'd LOVE to see someone use that in the real world.

Arguably that's because LG has never really made a decent smartphone worth updating before.