
Olivia Munn is busted! If you look at 1:05 of the video you can see that she bought like 10 boxes and you can see she has 1 box of the yellow ones. Looks like she gave all the good ones to her friends and gave the shitty yellow box to Aaron. He should break up with her for that...what a terrible thing to do to your BF

My point exactly, the America Class and Tarawa Class assault ships and even older classes will be able to carry A LOT of f35b’s - if they don’t melt the decks that is...That will be a huge problem on some of these old helicopter carriers... and even the new assault ships are going to need some sci fi action to keep

There are just so many thing wrong with the story it’s hard to know where to start. I guess i will just begin by explaining that Congress does not “mandate” the US Navy have 11 Aircraft Carriers at all times, it is in fact “the law.” It has been the law for a very long time and it would take an act of Congress and a

The j20 is completely failed joke, their single tiny carrier is a piece of garbage- a failed design from 1980 that they cant even land planes on it because they have no planes designed/built to land on carriers! You need to design planes specifically for carriers, but instead the Chinese have killed 3 of their best