This game (and its support) is so fucked up that at this point I would expect the replacement bags to be shipped filled with asbestos and broken glass.
This game (and its support) is so fucked up that at this point I would expect the replacement bags to be shipped filled with asbestos and broken glass.
Asshole gamers do this so much then those incels wonder why the only female interaction they get is from the Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball body pillow they imported. What purpose does it serve to be an asshole like this over a video game, other than just to be an asshole?
Now if someone would save City of Heroes/Villains for me, kthxbai
I literally link to both that thread and the Verge piece people are using as proof. It’s in the article. Which I recommend you read before dropping a comment.
I put a remote controlled bomb in your car but I’ll detonate it only if you run a red light. Won’t be an issue?
I’ve tried to switch to Linux several times in my life. I swear I’ve tried to have the most open of minds and lots of patience, but there’s always something that makes me switch back. Whether it’s lack of software options or bizarre issues with drivers or whatever. And I’ve come to the conclusion that Linux isn’t an…
Also, what the hell is a trip of a long friendship? Again, though, Peach was probably scribbling this onto the wall of her cell with a pointy rock she found.
Sneaky Immigrant Song intro, Mjolnir shattered, Hulk, Thor’s reaction to Hulk. There has never been a better trailer.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
The problem with most esports compared to regular sports is the lack of a “ball” of some kind. A ball creates an easy focus for the spectator, saying: here is where the most important action will take place. But in a typical Overwatch match, there’s a Pharmercy battle going on in the sky, a Reinhardt shield battle…
Mine just says “you looked at a JRPG once, so here’s all of the hentai games”.
Every time I see these stories I feel like playing again.
On Monday, a legally blind and deaf Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player was bullied off a match. In response,…
The Windows what now?
When writer Matt Oswalt pointed out that president-elect Donald Trump’s recent New Year’s Eve tweet sounded like some…
I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...
That’s that game that’s in the newspaper with the grid and all the numbers, right? :)
Who’d tweet about it? They’ve got no one handling the support :D