
ban bicycle faggots and their retarded looking suits and helmets

We really are doing everything we can to usurp natural selection.

Things started going downhill fast after the iPhone fiasco. They realized they could get Gawker pageviews by acting like Gawker retards, and it’s definitely having some effect.

nougat is disgusting

Your title is one word too long.

Well, when your music sucks but you’ve signed a contract for a set number of albums, you gotta have SOME trick that gets people to keep coming back, or Daddy Studio Exec is going to take away that shiny tour bus.

The rest of the world really doesn’t want to hear your oversharing

Huh. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think someone here has a foot in the closet...and it’s not the guys that are open about their shaving habits.

Right, because guys aren’t expected to trim their shit, either. Nope, it’s just women at the hands of the evil patriarchy!

> your penis looks bigger

Even with a headphone jack, no sale.

Thank Christ. This shit was starting to wear REEEEAAAAAAL thin.

Thank you /r/combinedgifs


The only thing that can improve an aural assault by The White Stripes is completely wiping their discography from existence.

Wow, another disappointment from this travesty of a reboot that no one asked for. Color me shocked.

Victim complex + "me me meeeeeeee" mindset.

Disclosure: Quinn formerly dated Kotaku reporter Nathan Grayson

Directive... liberate Nation... ensure freedom... Obey directive... must obey directive... no freedom... freedom undefined...

It’s just a potato cannon you stupid fucking clickbait posting retards