
But now he feels mildly nauseous about going.

All I can say is, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Why not? :/

LOVED this! Valentina is TRULY a breath of fresh air on RPDR. She is simply divine and really elevates the art form like no other.

hi Dodai !

She was acting like the STEREOTYPE of Blackness that white people like to put on and take off. Actual Black people know that we are not those caricatures.

That you didn’t think of it that way matters not. Those of us who are actually Black and see this kind of thing played out over and over again know exactly what she was doing. Not to mention that she blatantly said, in her own words, that she wanted her music to “sound Blacker.” Your cluelessness coupled with a

There are a ton of things I did and thought at 24 and 20 and 18 that I wouldn’t do and think now, but here’s the thing: you can’t completely divorce this sudden change from the idea that white celebrities have that they can play at being black for a couple of years and then come back with a “cleaner image” and blame

“For her, this is honest.” Because when she was playing at being black she and everyone else knew it was for shock value and kicks and not coming from an honest place.

Orange, fennel and olives are a classic, delicious salad combo in Italy. On pizza, it is just gross. Giada deserved the take-down

After watching it I’ve decided I like all three of them less.

Haha. Me make jokes about balls and anus because Ellen is Lesbian. Haha.

I have absolutely no sane reason why, but...

Pro tip, everyone: Don’t fry in olive oil because it has too low a smoke point. Use peanut or canola oil to fry so you don’t stink up your apartment and set off the smoke detector.

I’m sorry I had to stop at “this generation’s Dolly Parton” and ask what that means, because I have heard Miley attempting and butchering “Jolene” and it is tragic.

TED Talks and podcasts are another way of how I diversify my own information bias

I’m here for anything that stars Kumail as the main romantic lead. Even if it does have Ray Romano in it.

Yes! I am all over this. Is it just me, or is Kumail the cutest but no one talks about how he’s the cutest?

Speaking of, I’m wondering why a Matt McGorry tweet isn’t featured here. Is he okay?

Scientology is really not comparable to Islam, or any other established faith with centuries of history and millions upon millions of followers.