
To this day, I don't fully understand why Drew Carrey has this job. Say what you want about Bob Barker's behind-the-scenes bullshit, but the guy knew how to handle contestants. He seemed to have an instant rapport with everyone who came onstage. Drew barely even talks to them. Everything he does just seems so…

I saw this on tumblr and legitimately thought it was a terrible fan edit.

This show is a goddamn mess and I honestly don't know how they could possibly fix it at this point. Logically and logistically, they can't. They've got too many heroes with too many powers that are too fucking broken. They are going to forget someone who can do something that would instantly solve their

Go kill Ganon and be done with it then. The game is as long as you want it to be.

I didn't even know that had happened. Shit, that's awful.

That poem is legitimately haunting. God damn.

The main thing I remember about Awesome Possum was that one horrifying death animation where the skin fell off the protagonists body, leaving only a rodent skeleton. It's kind of hard to argue that as "playing possum."

Wait, that *works!?*

On the one hand, thank fuck. The last thing I want is for the yearly crossover to become even more crowded and convoluted. Plus, Black Lightning is now free to do more of its own thing without being hamstrung by the rest of the Arrow verse.

I really hope he gets the part of "Permanently Unemployed Actor" in that Real Life thing I've been hearing about lately. It seems like it would really suit him.

Jughead putting on that fucking jacket was everything I never knew I wanted from the character (and Cole Sprouse). I think he sees it more as a way to connect with his absentee father, as well as a way to embrace his background and origins, which Riverdale at large has always made him ashamed of. Hell yeah, he's a

I'm more leaving because it is abundantly, painfully clear at this point that Jason Rothenberg has no larger story to tell, and no tricks in his storytelling bag besides "HEY WOULDN'T IT BE FUCKED UP IF ALL THESE PEOPLE HAD TO KILL EACH OTHER? SURVIVAL!!!!!!!" Jasper is just a character I used to like that the show

I've been watching since episode one, but okay, sure.

Welp, I wish I could say it's been fun you guys, but it hasn't. It's been grating and frustrating and I'm kind of glad it's over. Jasper was my last thread of investment in this show, and even that was more out of pure spite than any kind of enjoyment. His death was every bit as underwhelming as I expected, though

BARRY: So how do we know each other?
WALLY: I'm your… brother.
BARRY: *slowly looks down at his lily-white hand and back up at very-black Wally*
WALLY: *the most awkward grin in history*

I am astonished at how routinely I am astonished by this show. Even the surprises have surprises. Every time I think it's gonna zig, it zags. Every time I expect it to weave, it bobs. And just when I think I've got the pattern down, it teleports behind me and breaks my neck.

Thank you for those screencaps because I did not realize quite how magnificent Betty's "I cannot believe I once had a crush on that" face was until you pointed it out.

Boy, I can't wait to see everyone's surprised reactions to the big reveal!

I get that you are down and out,
And feeling pretty crappy.
And when I see how sad you are,
It sort of makes me… happyyyyyyyy!
Sorry, buddy, human nature,
Nothing I can do!
Making me feel glad that I'm not you!

The festival organizers could have avoided all of this by trapping all of those rich dipshits on the island until they ate each other. Just saying.