Supernatural isn't even a dead horse at this point. It's glue. You're beating glue, CW. You will gain nothing from this but pitying stares and a sticky bat.
Supernatural isn't even a dead horse at this point. It's glue. You're beating glue, CW. You will gain nothing from this but pitying stares and a sticky bat.
I can't say anything about the music, haven't listened, but this to me is pretty much the ideal way to respond to a leak. "Hey, I know some files got leaked so you know what? That's fine. Here's a better version if you feel like paying for it."
I don't even know what to say. I had to watch this twice just to take it all in; the second viewing just made me MORE emotional. I don't think I've ever been so satisfied at an ending. All my expectations were blown away. The series gave me everything I asked for and quite a few things I didn't; things that were…
And Paramount cancels the screenings. Well, at least we know now that basically all Hollywood studios are run by total quivering coward babies.
MESSAGE TO SPINELESS HACKER/TERRORISTS EVERYWHERE: hey, do this, it works really really well.
I came here for "Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter have sex while Tim Burton sits and watches and occasionally applauds" and was bitterly disappointed.
I'm stunned that Ansel got a nod for Fault and Shailene did not. I mean, Ansel was pretty good, don't get me wrong, but Shailene Woodley was the goddamn light that made that movie SHINE. Maybe it's because she got a nod for her role in Divergent? Awards are confusing, man.
Me going into this episode: "Man, I like Kuvira as a villain but I just don't know how they're going to make her enough of a threat to carry the finale."
Can I just say that I love the fact that "Skye" has power over the earth? Whether they had this in mind from the beginning or not, that's a pretty ingenious bit of irony and a great misdirect.
"I need my Barry Allen."
It may or may not be great cinema, but I can't remember the least time a movie left me feeling this HAPPY.
On the bright side, maybe that means the twins can come back to Teen Wolf! :D Well, one of them, anyway. :(
I love that Toph was even -mildly- impressed that Bolin could lavabend. Shame he didn't get an opportunity to use it, though I can see why they wouldn't let him; it's broken as Hell. Seriously, Bolin at this point is probably the most dangerous non-Avatar bender in the world. The boy is basically a living…
I was just thrilled that all the villain voice actors actually came back for the Bad Guy Conference Call. And that they had just enough animation budget to redraw Zaheer's face so that he's smiling during that scene, which is just the icing on the cake for me.
When did you write this? Because I feel like a lot of your complaints regarding Felicity and Skye no longer apply. Oliver actually fell for Felicity and they had a brief fling before she ended the relationship herself because she knew he was about to pull the "I, the brooding hero, cannot have close relationships…
The only acceptable way for this Thea/Douchebag DJ sideplot to end is with his brutal murder at her Barrowman-trained hands.
I'm sure she's a sweet girl, and I mean this in the nicest way possible: screw you, Taylor Swift. This is exactly the cascade of dumb bullshit I was afraid you would start. I just started paying for Spotify premium, and you're making my purchase less valuable by the minute.
I've never been happier with a Bolin plot. My goofy little earthbaby is all grown up and saving people and apologizing for his wrongs and fighting for what's right. I'm so proud I'm close to tearbending.
A: How are moderately successful artists harmed by additional exposure on streaming services? They probably do not make much money on downloads begin with, most of their revenue comes from live shows and actual physical CD sales. More exposure=more ticket sales, more people to buy the CDs they are selling from their…