If you arent watching Dutch with Ed O’Neill on thanksgiving then I don’t know what you are doing with your life.
If you arent watching Dutch with Ed O’Neill on thanksgiving then I don’t know what you are doing with your life.
Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?
#1 tip to preordering iphone: Don’t.
I dont see how donating to this PAC is a bad thing. How is their pledge to make the candidates meet with and sponser bills accross the aisle a bad thing? Seems like the money didnt go where you want and now you’re being a little bitch about it.
Look at the mob rule go. If you don’t like the dude, don’t go see him and dont give him your money. Simple as that. Last i checked none of this made it to a court room. Just a bunch of autistic screeching.
ugh, the new 20xx series is only a 17% performance increase from 1080ti. I think ill save my money until something substantial comes along. im perfectly happy with my gtx 1070 and 1080 res at 60+fps, anything further is just bragging rights. Not worth the money.
First world problems much? Just get over it, not exactly a life ending event.
Thats a really long article just to explain why a person is too lazy to write their own stuff. Mental illness or addiction???? Laughable.
Its not every company, home boy is painting with a broad brush.
I dont disagree with anything you said. just the cunty way you said it.
Eh, Jenji peaked with Weeds. OITNB is trash riddled with garbage acting and a predictable storyline.
Ummmm, been doing this for a while now with KDE connect....how is this new?
Ill be grinding my R6S and CSGO ranks. The kid will be playin little nightmares, portal 2 and whatever else will work well with the new steam controller + steam link recently set up in the living room. Really diggin the link and controller, especially for platformers.
straight up depressing
How to do the perfect burpee: Dont
Inherent risk of streaming. set longer delay, quit crying.
i still play r6s but it seems like a lot of the toxic csgo community moved over to it. which is why i uninstalled csgo in the first place after playing the cs franchise for over a decade. worst community ever.
How has something that hasnt even been released yet splitting the community? Sensationalist much?
who even still uses apple garbage? sub par products at highly exaggerate prices.
Should buy an ego check for this slutty humblebrag. You’re rich, figure that shit out on your own or pay me to do it for you.