Spencer Straub

Yes! Hate how RT scores take out the nuance of the review. Warps perception of films.

I'm really pumped for this. It looks excellent!

Are you arguing that Wonder Woman isn't or won't be a hit?

Right. Very strange when you think about it.

I don't think so, no.

Agreed. It was really touching.

Except in Trinity War. Otherwise I agree. It often didn't reflect the overall DCU.

Agreed. Love his friendship with Cecelia Reyes. Lobdell in general had a great handle on the character.

Between DKIII and Batman #24, it was a really good week for Batman fans. Both great issues in their own way.

Yes! King is doing fantastic work on the character. Love how deep he digs into Bruce's psyche. Exploring Batman's weaknesses always results in great stories!

I really liked the first Titans story as well! Donna Troy, FTW!

DKIII had a fantastic ending. I was really unprepared for how much it struck an emotional chord with me. I hope Miller lets it go now as I really think any future stories would harm that near-perfect ending.

Northstar had a limited series back in the 90's.

I've also enjoyed Rucka's recent run, but it really raises huge questions about the Azzarello/Chiang run… namely who the hell was Diana interacting with in that series as far as Greek Gods, Amazons, etc. if they weren't the real deal? I still don't get that.

Wonder Woman: Year One by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott. Fantastic introduction to the character with stunning art by Nicola Scott and Roy Fajardo Jr.

Not just the main story either. The mini comic was fantastic!

Totally. Definitely not what I what expect from either Miller or Azzarello! :-)

Huge improvement over DKSA. Great payoff in the end.

Did anyone else love the finale of DKIII as much as me? I was caught completely off-guard by the uplifting, hopeful ending. Just a fantastic finish that makes up for a lot of the series rocky parts. Looking forward to reading this again!