Spencer Straub

Loved that Sara Diggle was mentioned in this episode. It was nice to see that not everyone met that news with a shrug. Of course, it was pretty ironic to then have Barry time traveling right after that. I was surprised that they went through with it with Iris. This was a good primer for the finale.

B- seems way too low. It wasn't perfect, but it was damn good. Should get a higher grade for that twist ending alone! 2018 is way too long a wait!

I loved every word of it.

I just took it as a joke, and a pretty good one at that.

No scenery was safe from Teri's performance last night, which is actually perfect for Rhea!

Agree to disagree re Hank Pym :-)

"It's OK… he was a bomb defuser in a previous life." Now that was a great line by Lance!

I think she's work best on Legends actually. It would be interesting to see Sara interact with her.

For the record, I don't want to see Oliver and Felicity back together, but I was so happy to hear Felicity flat out admit that the way that she broke up with Oliver last year was wrong. I always felt like the show was trying to tell us she was right, so it was nice to see her show a little more empathy for Oliver.

Wow! So I guess Waid's classic Daredevil and Black Widow runs are just "decent comics". I'm not wild about the current Avengers book either, but come on!

Bingo! I thought that was pretty clear!

"I'd take Raven Reyes over those hacks any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!" Man, that was a great line!

I think it will be really difficult to go back and watch Season 2. I loved him that season! He just never recovered from Mt. Weather… :-(

B-?! Huh? This was easily an "A" episode all the way. Great work by Julie and Shawna Benson and Henry Ian Cusick. One of the best eps this season, IMO.

True, but it would have been difficult to predict how she became the series villain!

Also from The 100 and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Was sad to see Ophelia go full dark side in the back half. Her rescue of Mack and Yo-Yo was amazing. Excited to see where things go from here. It has been a great season!

What a fun episode. "How do we afford to live here?!" had me laughing out loud! Well done, Team Flash!

RIP Roan. Great character!

Looks fantastic, especially visually. I trust this team.