Playful petunia

Fuck yeah it does!”

“Has anyone seen this guy and Colonel Sanders in the same place at the same time?”

We were warned gay marriage would lead to this.

Has a rising star ever fallen this hard, this fast?


Why the hell do girls always go to the bathroom together?

I have no issues with these fans burning their jerseys as long as they are wearing them at the time.

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

Russ Westbrook and Carmelo are going to be like Adolf and Eva Braun. Things might start out great but ultimately, there’s still only one ball between them.

The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff

Exactly. And the requirements to be a chemical dependency counselor consist of being a self righteous dry drunk and to spread propaganda about 12 step programs.

Just sign players out of college and be done with it. Put in a hard cap so every rookie can’t just run off to LA or Miami, and let players decide where they want to play. There’s no incentive to tank, rookies get paid what they’re worth, and the players aren’t sold off to a team that might not have their best

“Protecting the shield” isn’t merely a laughably ironic phrase to those with actual power

This is progress. Usually Cleveland police protest browns by shooting them.

Wrong article, but it bore repeating anyway.

Yeah, she’d probably placenta top 10.

Sophie had a better choice.

Of course this is doubtless true—pretty sure you can still coach football if you’re blind.

From Hardhome Depot, of course!