
Did anybody else find Jon Snow's death boring and emotionally unaffecting? Maybe because it seemed obvious all season that the dumb kid would do something dumb but I felt nothing over it.

Well, the virtue of the setup is two women are being dumped in their 70s for a reason that makes it difficult to hate the guys involved, and a reason that conveniently leaves them in the same position at the same time.

Gary Cole deserves an award this season. Full stop.

The coffee mug returned!

Alan Partridge trying to grind it out in Los Angeles is absolutely something I would watch - auditions, trying to be cool in Silver Lake, and maybe accidentally being at the scene of a crime, giving him a taste of broadcasting once again and causing him to go full Nightcrawler.

Yeah, but the good reviewers are all the ones on the top end.

Not gonna lie - I was seriously tempted to start procreating for a chance to have an Oona.


Maybe not stick - they were out of the old Lockhart Gardner offices for less than a year - but definitely explored. I suspect they've got a plan for this. The Kalinda detour always felt peripheral to the things that matter about the show, and Cary is one of them.

Let us also appreciate this decision in the context of the show's overall plot: The Good Wife is willing to explode critical relationships and positions within the show's structure because it's good drama and they have faith in their ability to make the shattered pieces work. Bravest show on TV right now.

Am I the only one that thought Alicia might decide to give Louis Canning a kidney just so she could do something that couldn't be seen as good for the sake of her own image?

Is it just me or does David Hyde Pierce look even more like Kelsey Grammar these days? Maybe it's the beard but I kept thinking how genius the Frasier producers were for casting him.

House Baccalieri
"Too Mysterious!"

Simmons can distribute them as he sees fit.

Jonah reading Dan's chart at the end almost made me want to like Jonah.

The third episode will be more comic and meta, with David Lee practicing emotions in the mirror.

Next year I would like an episode that is just a single take of Eli having a good idea.

This show is taking more risks than any other currently on cable or network and it's amazing.

It's been said elsewhere but that's one of the frustrating things about this show versus the UK one. Francis Urquhart was a hard-nosed bastard but you always believed he genuinely believed in the need to do the things he did for the good of the country, though completely mixed in with selfish intentions as well. It's

Well, that's not going to happen in House of Cards. And an election is too overt a conflict for this show.