Computers are talking to each other - about us???
Computers are talking to each other - about us???
I wonder how they’ll handle enemy vs player detection. Truth is, I almost wish Fallout (and more games) factored in both visual cover (like behind hard objects) and concealment (using foliage, etc. to blend in). Mainly because as a player, I might not notice an enemy visually blending in behind trees and on top of…
Cheap sweaters, an exercise bike with unlimited resistance, and clever iPhone chargers highlight today’s best deals.…
We have all seen Hunt For The Red October, Crimson Tide and other submarine films, but what is life really like…
I've played through both games multiple times over the years, even just finishing a second run of DA2 a few weeks ago, and I have to say that this was delightful. Not only was it a good primer for the DA laymen among us but it has sufficiently pumped me up for Inquisition next week. I mean, the Dragon Age games have…
When made to endure jokes about hair removal it's only natural for a beard to get quite uncomfortable.
OMG she accused Levi of rape, and when the book came out and he threatened legal action, she said that isn't what she meant, and it was consensual. AND SHE AND LEVI ARE THE SAME AGE. They were both born in 1990.
Obama's legacy? This mess didn't happen with Obama. It didn't happen starting in 2008. All of the ingredients have been brewing for decades, even back to the days of the Ottoman Empire. You have the consciousness of a short-lived gnat!
Science fiction has ruled television for over 50 years, but some shows have brightened our screens and supercharged…