
No, please don’t... Fresh is already seriously overbooked. You need to get up at 2AM to even have a chance of getting one of the open slots 3 days out.

LOL... what do think THAT would cost? They basically have to strip the car down and rebuild it. I’d guess it would be at least 40% of the new car price.

Even if it cost you 30-40% of teh price of the car new? Which it would...

That’s because these Cat trucks cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each. If you can repair them for $50K and get 50% more hours of runtime per unit it’s totally worth it.

You pay $20K for a 10 year old Tacoma because it’s worth it. That’s what a free market does... figures out prices and values.

You could *almost* see this working to update the battery or motors, but teh fact is that this only worked for teh commies because they were using slave (or at least ‘free’) labor.

American manufacturers have really missed the boat on small, compact pickups.

Good thing CA has all those crazy gun control laws to stop this kind of thing.

I’d buy one of these in a second if they had only designed it for people over 6 feet. 

You have never been to Magic City at a guess...

Sorry Bill, but Magic City is not for you... It’s thugs only and a real dump after the lights come on. Sad that MLS is letting this kind of BS go on at low-rent strip clubs. 

The simple fact is that engineers work 100 hour weeks at crunch time as a matter of course. It’s expected just like 60 hour shifts are expected from medical residents.

If the Russians really did have IL’s voting system, why did Hillary still win there?

Nope, he will be charged. Guaranteed.

Wow, literally everything you said there is completely wrong. That’s why PolSci majors should be kept far, far away from the legal system.

You’ve never heard a cop talk honestly then... All these orders aren’t worth the paper they are printed on. Any cop will tell you that off the record.

The NRA isn’t a public defender’s office.

Totally wrong. In FL it’s been invoked at trial 70% of the time by non-whites. 

See my posts above... but in short it removes one of 5 ‘tests’ used by a court to determine if a self defense claim is valid.

They will be right there when the ACLU and NAACP teams show up.