It’s an Assassin’s Creed game in all but name, right?
It’s an Assassin’s Creed game in all but name, right?
We already have that on Xbox One X for most big games. I'm still struggling to figure out why I need a new system.
As someone who has really only liked Black Flag, Origins, and Odyssey, this concerns me a bit. The lore got way too out of hand for a while there, and the option to fight as opposed to sneak around was nice for a stealth failure like me. I really hope this new one retains enough of what I liked from the last two…
Its folly to try and understand literally anything about the Kingdom Hearts series. I don’t mean that as an insult, but it’s got the highest nonsense quotient of any series ever.
I’m really in to Odyssey having never been a huge fan of the series. The only one prior to this I ever got onboard with was Black Flag. I think how interested you are in the particular setting matters a lot with this series.
Its been true with GoT and Star Wars recently, so evidence suggests that if it sounds bad on paper it will also be bad in practice. Could be wrong, but it's more likely he's right.
I haven’t been able to find any information on a console release, which is weird. I played the other two on console and would absolutely buy this one, but they don’t seem to want to put it out there.
So The Hobbit moves basically.
So The Hobbit moves basically.
Streaming culture in general I just don’t understand. Twitch is the extreme, but even like TikTok and Instagram and stuff. Why does anyone care what any of these people are doing? Why are all of them so uninteresting/annoying? It’s all a little too cringey for me.
Im doing the same thing. I don't like that it's been divided into however many separate full priced games, I don't like that it sounds like they've messed with the story, when I really wanted to just play FFVII but more modernized. I'm gonna need to know more about the future of this thing before I shell out $60.…
Im doing the same thing. I don't like that it's been divided into however many separate full priced games, I don't…
I’d love to play more Warzone, but I’m on Xbox and they force you to crossplay. Which means I 100% of the time get taken out by a mouse/keyboard player that can react significantly faster than I can, or a cheater that hits me from halfway across the map without even using ADS. So it’s kind of a waste of time.
I’m a property manager, so I have an especially strong hatred for HOA’s because I have to deal with them so often. Maybe 1 in 20 are not the absolute scum of the earth. I think they require people they hire to have no people skills, a rude temperament, and a low IQ in order to even be considered. They are, in fact,…
At least in urban areas, yeah. Any major city should be treated as 100% infected.
I have recently discovered that the type of eggs used really does make a big difference. My grocery store was out of everything but some free-range brown eggs that were like $4 for 12 of them. I bought them out of necessity and holy crap are they so much better. I’d never buy them for baking or anything, cheapo eggs…
I literally can’t play that game because it freaks me out too much, but that’s absolutely what was so awesome about the first Alien. It’s absolutely terrifying because it just won’t stop.
If you’re playing with randoms that kind of happens. Honestly, I just mute everyone, even the ones on my team. There’s a ping system, you can communicate without talking. But it’s way better with a team of friends.
The full MW multiplayer works the same way too. Kind of refreshing to not have random lootboxes or pay to win stuff.
A Covenant that promises that the grantee or tenant of an estate in real property will be able to possess the premises in peace, without disturbance by hostile claimants.
Im supposed to fly to the UK from Florida in about 2 weeks. I’m not really that concerned if they cancel the trip, but I am concerned that I’m going to get stuck over there and not be able to return for a period of time, which for many reasons I cannot have happen. What are the odds of either of these things actually…
Solo is not great, but it’s fun and works in a logical way, and has a couple of banger set pieces. I’ll take that over whatever TROS was.