I’m doing Stronglifts, and it’s a good motivator because I’m always adding weight, so I’m always improving. There’s always a new milestone to look forward to achieving.
I’m doing Stronglifts, and it’s a good motivator because I’m always adding weight, so I’m always improving. There’s always a new milestone to look forward to achieving.
Single rider is great, but it’s even better on a ride that has odd rows. For instance, They’re going to move a ton of single rides through a ride that has 3 or 5 to a row vs. a ride with 4 to a row. Most groups are even numbers, 2 or 4 or (less common) 6. So if you discover the ride vehicle layout works to your…
Batman and Robin is the Ian McKellen of queer comic book movies.
The scene with the fake rhino is so hysterically funny. It’s childish and crude and stupid, but it absolutely knows that and plays into it and turns it up to 11. It destroys me every time I see it.
It kind of kicks into gear once Yennefer and Geralt meet. This whole season is basically just origin stories. Which is great, but narratively frustrating.
I’ve played at least some of the majority of these games, and I quite literally do not understand a single thing that happens in them.
People kind of missed that the futuristic city of Ghost in the Shell was meant to be populated with all different kind of people from all different places. It’s kind of hard to tell if the Major was meant to be white or Asian, I’d say the last name leans more toward Asian.
That’s not really how it works. Even attached as a producer, she’s not going to put her own “MCU Residuals” money into a film. That’s what financiers and studios are for.
Force Unleashed dude!
There’s no way it won’t get spoiled, especially if you’re overseas and not getting the service until like March. That character has entered the zeitgeist now, and there will be endless memes and comments about him between now and then.
I’m so glad this has released! I love a good shit show, and Anthem and Fallout76 are getting a little tired now.
Yeah but they also may not want to play a VR game. VR makes me queasy as hell, so this is an absolute no go for me, whereas I’d play the hell out of it if it was a standard release.
You’ve stumbled upon the reason so many people stopped playing it on console.
Fuck yeah Jedi Starfighter.
There’s a pretty difficult learning curve with her, at least for me. I don’t play defensively very well, so using her or Caustic or even Crypto is really difficult for me to get the hang of. In talented hands, any of them are a beast.
Pixel 4 or OnePlus 7t? I kind of want that ultra wide lens, seems weird they left it out of the 4. Never had a OnePlus device but I’d be up for trying it.
Fallout 4 had a lot more focus on combat and gunplay over the rpg side of things, with less ways to resolve situations creatively. That's really why it didn't work for me. If you played 3 and NV that way, then yeah, it's more of the same. But it definitely limited the ways you could play it.
Considering that the first season was significantly more thoughtful than that, I’m gonna chalk this up to a bad trailer. Hopefully.
This headline kind of makes it feel like someone at Marvel said that, which does not seem to be corroborated in the story or interview. Which is a little weird.