
The griefing could be easily solved by either introducing private lobbies, passive servers, or both. As it is right now, there's a big chunk of people that just want to enjoy the world and play with friends, and another huge chunk that just wants to run around and kill everyone on the map. I don't mind either group,

They absolutely deserved all the credit they got... almost a decade ago. When you look at other modern AAA titles and what they are achieving in regards to graphics, controls, immersion, animation, and then compare that to Fallout 4 or Fallout 76, you really start to see the issues.

Also the horseback riding isn’t tedium, it’s content. If you were to fast travel everywhere, you’d miss most of the random encounters, people begging for help or raiders trying to rob you. Yu wouldnt get attacked by wolves or cme across astrange cabin. Riding from town to town is a huge part of the game.

I explained to my friend that it’s basically Assassination of Jesse James in video game form. It’s slow, at times a drag, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t satisfying as all get out.

As someone that was shockingly disappointed with Fallout 4, I just can't get myself excited about this. It just seems like they're doubling down on all the stuff I didn't like about 4. Hopefully I'm wrong. I picked Red Dead over this and I don't think I'm going to regret it.

Not really. You may have assumed that buying it full price was the only option if you wanted to play it within the next 3 months. Waiting 3 months vs. waiting 1 month can be a very different and deciding factor.

I mean, I’m a little salty about it. I chose to buy this over Spider-man as I’m a big Tomb Raider fan. This game definitely wasn’t as good as the previous two. If I had known I’d be able to buy it for half the price by waiting a few weeks, I absolutely would’ve.

I strangely enjoy the weird methodical process of PUBG. Start smewhere ill likely b alone, pick up weapons and armor, scavenge for better stuff, hide when a car drives by, maybe get by in a fire fight or escape. Finish in the top 20-ish. Start over.

Alpha Protocol was the most fun I've ever had literally playing a disaster. 

I actually thought it looked pretty far along. Wouldn’t be shocked if this is announced fairly soon.

Bushido Blade 2 or GTFO

I played for about 4 hours last night and I have done 3 missions and hinted one Baron. I have quite a lot left. It's definitely a meatier expansion, probably Taken King/Rise of Iron level.

I just took a look at the tickets and they’re shockingly affordable for the scale of production this seems to be. I mean, seeing a touring production of something in your home town is usually minimum $75 for the nosebleeds, and you can get orchestra seats for Cursed Child for $96 a show. It’s pretty damn good.

I’m pretty hyped about this, to be honest. There’s a certain magic to Destiny when you have a good story to follow, new end game content, leveling up to do, secrets to find and things to work toward.

Devin Faraci is a really interesting person to follow if you’re interested in how the road to redemption could work for these people. He’s apologized numerous times, done everything possible to make amends with the person he abused, even going so far as to go on a PBS show with her to talk about it.

Thats one of my favorite super dumb scenes of all time. It’s like they were playing chicken but they’re both too tough to move at the last second, so they just crash. Not sure if it was mean to be hilarious, but I found it very funny.


Yeah you don’t really see people cosplaying as Avatar characters or kids with Avatar toys. There’s no EU full of books, games and shows.

Yes it can. I went from a pack a day to vaping and the very occasional cigar.

This is so obviously specifically mocking the people that want to remake the movie and not the people with valid criticisms. Did you read it? Or just immediately assume everyone is ganging up on you?