yeah, I agree. One really great thing, though, is that when you have friendswith different systems you eventually end up playing with all of them for way less than what buying the game twice would have cost :)
yeah, I agree. One really great thing, though, is that when you have friendswith different systems you eventually end up playing with all of them for way less than what buying the game twice would have cost :)
Yeah, lords of the fallen looks very interesting
So your complaint is that microsoft sometimes offers free games that sony has also given?
Far cry 4 had a level designer where you could publish maps, and those maps could be played co-op. The multiplayer was meh, but every time you completed a co-op level made by players, you could rate it, and just load up another random level someone made. It was absolutely fantastic.
They also left out multiplayer, co-op and the level editor on this one, if I’m correct?
Far Cry Primal was a bold move, but the first Far Cry I haven’t bought, and have no plans of buying. I loved the additions of 4, but it was a bit too samey for me, and the co-op and level editor saved it.
Far Cry Primal looks like Far Cry 4. Without the guns, grenades, cars, radios, helicopters etc. Or level editor.…
I was amazed at how feminist this movie was. As in non-sexist.
Also, how i actually cared about the relationship between Wade and his partner. Probably because she was awesome, and behaved like a human being.
Theres’s a flopping dick shot, but it is in silhouette when he’s thrown in the burning building.
“It is disturbing when a whistleblower of the biggest baby-parts-for-sale warehouse is indicted”
....but the claim of baby-parts-for sale was thoroughly crushed by the investigation. Isn’t this slander, or somehow punisheable with a fine or something?
He’s pretty cool. When COD Ghosts or the previous one came out, he brought some friends and competed in the codtournament that was produced by Ridley or Tony scott. Great viewing.
More than 8 players can beactive in a DZ. Either that, or the game is really, really good at pushing players together. I’ve been at extraction sites with at least three different player groups (each can hold 4 people) while we were at war with rushing NPC’s during extraction.
I like how, in a game about a human disaster, where one of the things the game incentivices is to attack and murder looters, the biggest emotional impact and anger comes from seeing other player shoot dogs.
Or take your loot.
Is this made by the people behind Toribash?
Yes. They’re piles. Literally. It would have been more impressive if they were boxes.
The whole idea that building the pyramids would be hard to do even with modern technology is horse shit, and an urban legend propagated by people with no understanding of rudimentary engineering.
First of all, to recreate the pyramids, all we’d need was the rocks themselves (cut by bronze tools), a supply of wood and…
Houses and tents are also similar structures, and have shown up in more places than pyramid structures. By your logic, houses and tents are an even bigger evidence of alien interference.
Pyramid shapes are not only structurally sound, they are in engineering terms what you would call “The least challenging form to…
Yes, but that was because he was being peppered with bullets, not because of the impact to the floor.
3: NPCs physical reactions. Bullshit. Euphoria is used in GTA 5. It’s the exact same tech as in GTA 4
You are looking at it wrong. You can assess an enemy based on level, kneepads, body armor, backpack and guns.
Agree. Alpha made me a customer too. Excited for beta.