
Neither Ubisoft nor Activision are in the habit of announcing games until the core game itself has been built. Iterative game making takes a fuckton of time, and the alternative would be the Rockstar way. Radio silence until the entire game is more or less complete. Those games stull takes years to make.

*Gjallarhorn. Stupid cell phone keyboard.

Nice! I got Fjallarhorn on my very first trip through VoG, and haven’t gotten it since. It’s been saddening to see how many fireteam requests require people to have it, and this appearance by Xur, in addition to the slight nerf, will hopefully make people care less what exact weapons their teammates have.

I had an even worse replay glitch occur in the Stuntman game on the original Xbox. I completed a level after failing many times, missing an obstacle at the end by less than half an inch.

The replay wasn’t in sync, so it showed me hitting the obstacle,and proceeded to show the game over screen when the timer ran out,

Yeah, I’m interested in numbers, but as the game is still more than a year away, that’ll be hard to come by.

The “big” question is basically: what kind of server performance can we expect from Azure on a per-person basis when Crackdown 3 launches (or at any time, really). I’m assuming that maintenance and expansion of

The story dialogue is the same, but they have dynamic dialogue as well, with comments on enemy movement and comments on team performance, which can obviously vary a lot every time you play.

Regenerating health, non-linear smissions with sandbox environments in an FPS, physics-based vehicles (with several players in them), and a clear visual distinction between opposite teams in multiplayer, are all things that I can’t remember any other game series innovating on/bringing to the general attention of

I see your concern about the need for servers, and i want to raise three points:

1: Any console can connect to the cloud, but Microsoft is so far the only company I know of that has specifically worked to create a server infrastructure specifically to support this kind of stuff. No other console has the network structure needed, so the Xbox One IS technically the only console that can do this.


Crackdown 2 did a couple of things wrong. It added some cool new gadgets and abilities but it removed character customisation, transformable cars, and a dynamic gang enterprise where the player could take out any gang boss in any order that they chose (with dynamic elements changing depending on who you took out)


In a 17 minute video at IGN, they showed a concrete wall, where they cut shapes with machinegun fire. At that scale, using the term pre-fractured, doesn’t seem to apply.

I’m certain that pre-fracturing of some kind is going on with the major explosives and most walls, but when you can design your own sniper nest holes

You’re not a cop. You’re an agent. Working for The Agency...

....Which is revealed at the end of Crackdown 1 (SPOILER) to be an agency using overwhelming force to instigate a new world order.

So it’s totally fine ^^

Crackdown 2’s agents didn’t have gender, did they? Mine was fully armored, if I recall correctly.

You should check out the 17 minute destruction demo video on IGN.

In crackdown 3 you can literally carve a heart out of a wall with machine gun fire, and the heart will topple out, and you have yourself a romantic hole to snipe out of. Pre-fracture pieces this is not.

Physics being offloaded to a server, means that the game can run at 30/60/whatever frames, even if the physics destruction gets laggy. And stuttering in physics will most likely be hidden behind an explosion anyways :)

It either means that you won’t have the same destruction offline, or that the game won’t run offline.

Yes, it’s a lot to keep up with, for sure. But there are a few things that are important here, at least to me.

Firstly, all of the weapons in the destruction-demos are overpowered, for demonstration-purposes. To take down buildings quickly, several players would likely have to cooperate/focus fire, or use a long time.

How about a look at this 17 minute gameplay video? :D

My god, this game is beautiful. The attention to detail is amazing.
On all platforms.

I read the title of this article wrong.
My first thought was “Who the hell lets their baby playy Fallout?”