I get that,I just don’t see a good reason as to why.
I get that,I just don’t see a good reason as to why.
The gameplay videos are going to get more detailed through th next year, with steady reveales ro the launch.
I see your point about the Master Chief collection not working out of the box, but Halo 4 and the previous Halo games were pretty much up to snuff and then some when they came out. Master Chief collection was bad, but that’s honestly one game out of 7. It’s generally true with Microsoft that they deliver on promises…
I see your point. I had so great experiences with Battlefield Hardline and how it just worked smoothly from launch (for me, anyway), that my assumtions that Battlefront tech, which is the same basics as Hardline with added stuff, makes me comfortable enough to not worry until I see awful reviews.
Yeah, I love the idea myself. As far as I know, it was an idea that was introduced with MOBAs, and then taken to a new level in Titanfall. Titanfall does that superbly. All the soldiers on the battlefield are grunts, and the players are the elite soldiers. The grunts can kill you, but as a player you almost never feel…
Rushed? Why?
You know this has been in development for some time, right?
Yes, but this was specifically showcasing a dog-fighting mode though.
Them being terrible at designing a game, because they are not cramming as many players as possible?
Fuck me, that’s a seriously stupid comment.
Does soccer get better, the more people are on each side? Would 64-player soccer be better? No, it fucking well wouldn’t.
Dice does a really great thing here (possibly. they…
Still. You will probably be able to play mass effect 1-3 with the same save file on Xbox One before ME Andromeda is out. Whooop!
“1.) When playing a 360 disc-based game on the Xbox One, you have to have the disc in the tray, correct?”
Yeah. But. Every single 360 game that you digitally own, will automatically be added to your Xbox 1 library when the backwards compatible version is available on Xbox 1.
I’m in the preview program, so when I look…
This was the first gameplay trailer, and the game is slated for 2016, with a multiplayer (beta?) in summer 2016. So yeah, things can change. But, when the trailer specifically mentions things that are in the game, and it’s coming from Microsoft who doesn’t have a history of lying in their game presentations, then I…
They show it off with the gameplay footage in the trailer, though. The game has physics-based destruction simulation at least an order of magnitude higher than any Red Faction or Battlefield game to date.
To be fair, the Crackdown games use this narrator (who is your voice-link-contact in the games) not only in the games, but (at least in the first game) to parody that particular style.
Yeah, there is. The more destruction you put into a video game, the less resources you have for AI, graphics, and every other gameplay element.
Additionally, in certain games, destruction actually removes from the gameplay. If you can level the entire playing arena in a tactical shooter, you’ll be left with a flat…
This game should have a lot more people talking about it. They have showed off the destruction earlier, but it’s absolutely mindblowing to me what they’re capable of.
We’re talking about unparallelled open-world, city destruction. In co-op. Like Red Faction Guerilla, but about an order of magnitude higher.
It’s insane.
yeah, you just put in the bad guys you want in there.:)
IGN has some gameplay videos with the developer. It looks really, really fun.
Not the one in Sense8. It’s immaculate.
This is a device that emulates the controller with a mouse. It works with X1, PS4, PS3 and X360 (but not all games).