
I think at this point vaporization would be preferable to a hellish post-apocalyptic wasteland.

I dunno my friend, 3 square meals and a roof over your head is more than some full time working people can afford these days...

I’m not religious, but even I can see those GOP congressmen are not Christians, no matter how hard they protest that they are moral and godly guys. See, I know what a Christian is supposed to believe in and what priorities are supposed to guide their choices. No one who believed in a just god who would judge them

She does, she has depression.

Your characterization of this as Trudeau “boasting” that he “wanted to beat the shite out of an indigenous person” is an extreme misrepresentation. First, it was a charity boxing match - no one was going to get hurt. Second, he described Brazeau as the perfect foil to the “rich, pretty boy, urban elite” image his

“It wasn’t random,” Trudeau says. “I wanted someone who would be a good foil, and we stumbled upon the scrappy tough-guy senator from an indigenous community. He fit the bill, and it was a very nice counterpoint.” Trudeau says this with the calculation of a CFO in a company-budget markup session. “I saw it as the

It’s pronounced Fart and Hold.

One of my uncles was a police officer. About a year before he was planning to retire he was diagnosed with a minor heart condition. Under the rules established by his union diagnosis of any kind of heart condition is an automatic disability retirement. (Obviously, they don’t want to deal with the liability issues of

Aw, another video. :( I really hope they upload a gallery with photos at some point.

I agree with you here - why does this have to be a video? This is much better (and less annoying to go through) as a gallery.


The internet-wide pivot to video is the worst.

Actually there is precedent for bans of head coverings in UK society, with the early 2000s well known for stores up and down the country banning hoodies.

Welp, I’ve never felt more alone or single in my life. Thanks Ted!

If you see something, say something.

They tend to display properly if I reload the page. I think it just finishes rendering the page before it has all the info from Twitter and then doesn’t resize itself if that takes too long.