
MOOK, Ha, ha ha ha. Whata mook.

Been hit by a truck,a moving van, and concur the future is worse.

Everything else aside that is one fine head of hair!

“this feels like a complete and utter threat to democracy.”to sanity .

Voters? How about those in the government?

What’s going on in the knee lift vid, his head slips behind the glass in the background, is this some kind of Photoshop?

Anyone see any brake lights?

For me this is the worst, knowing what evil shits they are and that it doesn’t matter, they will all still get appointed. As if these hearings are just to humiliate us.

Russian life looks good, must be a lot of drugs, apparently vary strange ones.

Yes! Not good with words

Ahhh..... . The pearl bracelet.

Oh yeah this is Good! The wheel base those rear wheels are really rear.

I just moved from no snow area to Mt Shasta, much much snow this year, forgotten all the little I ever knew about snow driving and have been paying the price with shovels,salt and my back.

What?Oh man! That just turned me inside-out. Two lanes of snow into one lane plus the snow accumulated by the time they got back to the inside lane?

But otherwise wouldn’t the plow be pushing the snow into oncoming traffic?

Old and out of touch here. What is the nature of this new logo, does it look like someone else’s ?

Well it seem like it would be a disenfranchisement of those who voted for him, there were many party bigwigs who opposed him. Shifty pol could turn that to there advantage, see you can’t trust the voter. That’s what they have done in Michigan

Congratulations, it is about time. Thanks.

What? What vehicle was that, I thought a Cherokee?