
I don’t know about goatcarts does one foot do gas and the other brakes?

It said his grandfather already died so isn’t he already a billionaire?

Is it just fear or do these guys look like the pictures of 1930s germans?

I will no longer feel sorry for myself with one hand, it’s easy

And then she would sentence them!

Kim didn’t want him to continue the Tour but the cancellation costs big bucks unless he’s in the hospital then insurance covers the cancellation!

Colonialism and participation in bombing

Mountain top removal. No more mining. Just blasters, bulldozer drivers and polluted rivers

I don’t think Timex is the same co.the last one I had was terrible. Some other co. just bought the name.

What? “The replacement will be this display that has cool colors and also your name on it. You, the person who is hailing the ride!” Where? All I saw beside lyft, was the word hello on the inside where you couldn’t see it

Yes focus is no longer a strong point with me, avoid tv

I’m 67 I read most of the day, these blogs and books mostly trash from kindle but some good things now and then that I feel like I should have read long ago,sorry to hear that you don’t have that comfort anymore.

Looks like this guy is related to trumps doctor.

You know I’ve been thinking about that lately, don’t remember reading a book till I was 12, I’ve certainly tried to make up for it sense then and regret those hours of test pattern.

That went off the air at night and didn’t come back on till mid morning sure, I remember sitting in my PJs watching the test pattern waiting for the shows to come on

Either way, he’d still vote for Trump again, maybe because he’s sick of seeing a ghost town or maybe because he’s a racist fuck, or maybe he thinks you’re a whining shit and would say anything to disagree with you because he’s really just drunk asshole anyway

But if you own your own place you could always try and make some money off it, rent a room or the garage maybe help some one with a business. I rented all my life getting gyped by landlords never secure in having a place to live I’v known too many people evicted for more money. I just bought a house it took almost 2

Why do these go on sale after I buy one? Conspiracy?

Why do these go on sale after I buy one? Conspiracy?

California Kid great hot rod,thanks to allofthedogs