
Yeah Noah took them on the arc too, they were just babies though, or eggs maybe but probably babies though because he also had egg sucking dogs along( two by two of all the animals) and they would have gotten into those eggs.

But it might for trick or treeeighting

That little tiny coin is a pound? Well you got the best of the deal look at all those big coins they’re huge, and the men only get that one skimpy thing, it would get lost in my large man hands,sad.

Aaaaw! What good dogs, so patient and they look so sincere. Make me miss all the more my old girl, still tearing up a year later.

Who is/was Ben Cooper?

When I was 8 or 9 an older boy on the block, who was from some where in the south out in the country where he could shoot guns and kill thing at will (this was a pretty urban neighborhood) would catch squirrels crucify them and hang them on the front doors of the neighbors, also snakes kittens anything he could kill.

We lived in a flat that a previous tenet had committed suicide. A topless dancer(1960s) whose baby died? We had a big antique mirror with a heavy oak frame my wife wanted above our baby’s crib. One night we were awoken by a loud crash,running into the baby room we found the mirror had dropped straight down wedging

Well she kind of covered that by not being able to talk when she was upset and only cried, and when she could she called it a dresser

Well I don’t know what happened to my comments but I was trying to remember this book and the series so thanks I looked it up in kindle they have the whole series which the library did not the most recent was written in 2014 thank you again

Ha! This is the one I mentioned in my previous comment (I think ). Isn’t ther a series?

Also there is a series about a guy working on the trains of that time period, one concerned the Necropolis I really enjoyed them but can’t recall the titles

My son still talks about the time in NY, I don’t remember where but it was a busy area a lot of people around it was summer and a woman was taking a shit in a cardboard box in the middle of the sidewalk. Soon after, I stopped between platforms to get my camera out of its bag, I’d set it on the floor so I was

I think he looks like a sad sad man who has sold his soul

Try Barbara Streisand

Yeah she’s wrong, I thought her video was ugly. Plus I just don’t care for her humor

My god they let him on the same stage as her? He shouldn’t be in the same country ( outside of some cage in an institution )

If your part of the trump team, it’s in the play book.

Nope! bout to go to sleep maybe in the morning

Now it looks like that creepy 4 penis cave centipede

Well thanks. I didn’t even see that it had wheels, thought it was a stack of missiles