
Since when does traditional marriage include marrying a young boy ?

Anyone a fan of Alex Bennet? Second greatest radio host after Don Sherwood? Well maybe a tie, class acts both unlike stern.

Well the departed seemed like a fixer.

Me either,why so much noise about the post? Seems like this guy is the perfect trump pice of shit candidate, should be a celebration.

Didn’t she scandalously date Sammy Davis Jr.? Also miss Indiana, the frist one, 180 pounds? At 5'9" I'm 5'11" at 150 some one is wrong, me?

Stepford wives?

She keeps saying replay, is it over? What happened?

Is the pattern tattoos, nautical or space themed? What wants to know

Me thinks he has watched Mel Gibsons Pat Riot too many times

I think they need a bigger flag

I never paid too much attention to it but I had the impression that latter it was found to have been staged by the photog. My bad.

She really thought that was funny. You could see it in her face

Those 3 guys look like something bad happened to them in the womb

And may be a towel to sit on,don't want her to burn anything on those Texas hot seats

Such poor care of or vets( we can’t afford it) but we subsidize Israel Who have free health care

They must have searched a long time to come up with picture where he doesn’t look, IDK....bad?

Devils advocate, what if, heaven forbid, HRC had a debilitating stroke or died before the election. What would be or options? Postponed election so the Dems could choose an alternate? I imagine Trump would insist on running as the the sole candidate. But by the looks of him he'd hopefully be the one to go( too bad for

She looks so smug and self satisfied

No side boobs on this one though

What women aren't allowed?