
A Humber, don’t remember the year but it was the last model an attempt to save the brand vary luxurious handled great but a gone English brand

“punching up,” a doubters almanac?

Or paint a little white lead on your face

Yeah they fought and died so we could play football instead of soccer

“Southern Law Poverty Center”?

There is no genetic test for whiteness but I think there is for dumb ass which would show they’re all swimming in the same gene cesspool

Oh! I read Pin head my bad.

I would not go to a Dr with a Mohawk or hair like trumps dr a beard maybe but conservative head hair definitely

How do comments disappear? I saw one about the voters of NJ voting him in 4 times then when I looked again it was gone

Sold out

Sold out

Why is the tablet( in the keyboard ad) still in portrait when on its side and should be in landscape?

Why is the tablet( in the keyboard ad) still in portrait when on its side and should be in landscape?

Dam that is so scary when the eagle just pops up at the edge of the nest

Hate, this guy makes me hate, he should not be alive

At 2:48 or so his stacks sounded like some kind of musical instrument

Drive a ‘15 Prius, if the sun is out I can't see the display in the center, should have some kind of pull out hood

So anyone know anythyabout the guy with the black black black eye?

Not as pets but for distribution on public transportation

Really! its time with your mom getting your hair done, not doing chores

She been going bare foot down on the farm for too long
