.........mmmmm.........hhmmmmm. Sorry, I got sidetracked looking for the Ford ads on Jalopnik.
.........mmmmm.........hhmmmmm. Sorry, I got sidetracked looking for the Ford ads on Jalopnik.
.........mmmmm.........hhmmmmm. Sorry, I got sidetracked looking for the Ford ads on Jalopnik.
I remember these old cars, they were beautiful, powerful and built like tanks. As for the engineering?! I am glad their gone! Simply terrifying.
Hmm, isn't SEMA held in Nevada - yaknow - where he's serving time?! surrounded by a different steel cage!?
This photograph was taken in April of 1985 of my still dear friend Reggie while he was disassembling his 1970 Cadillac Coupe De-ville. It suffered a variety of problems at the time, the transmission was on it''s way out (to many burnouts) the steering pulled way hard to the right (giant pothole), and the timing chain…
"To protect and serve" Hmmm - nope doesn't ring a bell!
CP - forget the "Brazilian" id rather see a "Telly Savalis"
@infi: Reminds me of this.
Full time job, two kids, house, two car payments, braces for one kid! I like so many don't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting a project car! But buddy?! I make changing the oil in the tractor take 2 hours!
@87CE 95PV Type Я has sporadic Ireland updates in Opposite Lock: Oh shit - your right!
What's that I hear falling? ohh it's that pesky trade in value thing.
Up in smoke!!!
There is a right and a wrong way to handle things, this is not among them. The Camaro driver is a turd for pulling this crap. Hey? you really want to get the guy in the Lex? Take a pic of the car, report him to the cops, dumb Lex owner gets car towed, pays monetary fine and gets humiliated properly.
I can honestly say that I don't feel bad about the Exploder shuffling off this mortal coil. It was dated and old when it was new, desperately ugly and uninspiring in every measurable way. Ford insisted on selling it because it was cheaper to make the same ole thing over and over. Meanwhile every other manufacturer…
Meet the Driver.
She was on her way to a shoe sale!
@speedzonevideo: oops - thats "truck" not "tuck"
If you mount your sports car on a 4wd tuck chassis - you might be a redneck.