
hip hop isn’t merely a genre of music. It is a culture that, initially at least, encompassed four artistic elements: rapping, DJing, grafiti, and b-boying. And while sampling has its origins in DJs looping break beats, DJing and sampling are not at all the same thing.

The most ridiculous part of the movie is a cop being arrested for killing a news crew that ambushed him with blinding light while chasing an armed criminal while dealing with severe blood loss from a severed limb. Hell, in 1995 if one the news crew were black the cops would have just said he was justified and the news

“Yo check this out guys, this is insanely great, it’s got a 28.8 bps modem!”

I love super dated movies. I just watched Hackers... man, oh, man. That thing was as fresh as dumpster milk.

“Hip-hop”, as you say, is a genre of music. While, Marvel is a corporation. You can’t compare the two. One is a style of music which you claim is all about appropriation by sampling, which has absolutely no similarities, to a corporation, a single entity, making a profit off a specific race of people without actually

The covers are not necissarily the issue.

There’s a power imbalance at play, in terms of white privilege. It’d be different if Marvel and its parent company weren’t so white in terms of who the powerful and key creatives are.

The problem people have, as I understand it, is that Marvel has a reeeeeally bad history of not hiring minority creators and mis-using minority characters. Yet, they’ll jump at any chance to make money off Black culture. Plus Axel Alonso was really dickish (as usual) when asked to address this controversy.

if you don’t get it, you don’t get it.

A couple of things:

So you’re getting mad at him for assuming what the readers’ reactions will be based on your assumption of what the readers’ reactions will actually be?

I think you mean John Bigbooty.

You are so right about the “head and shoulders” language people are throwing out. I’ve been saying this all over these threads for days, and I’ll say it again: if a Nirvana biopic of similiar quality to Straight Outta Compton was made starring Bradley Cooper as Kurt Cobain and Jennifer Lawrence as Courtney Love it

I totally agree.

Matt Damon literally played Matt Damon in space. He hasn’t turned out a solid performance in years (Promised Land was good and so was True Grit) and the fact that people thought his work in The Martian was award worthy is a joke. Eddie Redmayne’s performance was mediocre, but so was his performance for Theory of

I think there should be “slave movies” released regularly, considering how people are trying to white wash slavery in textbooks, children’s books and with the controversy about the confederate flag. However, there should be mixed casts in more films. Last I checked, Black people like, live in the world and whatnot (I

Im not going to write a list of the poc actors who were better, or even name two pepple who’s movies im sure you did even see and can’t even point them out, yet have no objections to theor nominations. What I will sayis you saying “head and shoulders” is telling and a part of the problem. You expect black actors to be

It’s not about the snubs, and has never been about he snubs.It’s about the Oscars, publicizing the Film industries bigotry from the Studios on down. But if you want to make this about ‘black people complaining again’ so be it. But wont try to back up your bullshit by saying there were no performances by people of

You joke but Joseph Fiennes will be playing Michael Jackson in an upcoming film …..

I sympathize with the “George RR Martin is not your bitch” point of view. But at the same time, I feel that if you start a story you owe it to your readers to finish it. It’s become particularly frustrating for fans as the length between books has grown and as Martin has gotten involved in other projects.