
On another note, while Midwest_Elitist may have been joking your solutions are not quite realistic either. Teenagers are strong willed and hard headed. You can talk about consent and coercion till you’re blue in the face but that won’t necessarily make them use better judgement. One of the most effective means a

Language no doubt how has an influence on one’s thoughts. They not only make certain concepts readily available but encourage us to use those concepts to make meaning of the world. What those concepts are depends on our culture and it’s values. With that said, there are a lot of words in English that are available but

So this will be the second black superhero named the “Doorman”. And really? “The Doorman”? Complete with an actual Doorman’s outfit? Really? Are the creators really this myopic? When they think of a black “superhero” is this what they really think of?

Yeah, but Finn doesn’t get back up and do anything.

You can do countless movies about slavery that don’t have blacks being hapless victims. I mean, why hasn’t Harriet Tubman’s story made it to the big screen? All those slave narratives about slaves finding ways to freedom would make for some powerful drama that showed black people having agency. There is so much can be

It’s clearly not just about subservience considering the movie that prompted Kara’s piece is about a slave rebellion.

Racial minorities are carrying the FF series. Whites make up a minority of the audience.

He was good but not the strongest. GMAB

He did not literally turn himself white. MJ could never be white! And have you never seen a light skinned black person? I’m black and about as pale as “white” MJ. Don’t be ignorant.

Almost NO movies about blacks about slavery. You can name all the “Slavery” movies on your hands.

How can you be tired of something that barely exists? How many “slavery” movies have there been in the past 30 years? I frankly welcome more movies about the antebellum from a slaves perspective. There is a great paucity of stories that actually deal with the lives of slaves in America.